Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Plus-size Princess Takes Her Prize.....

           Yes, that is was the day!! And an early day at that! However, in all began yesterday with the excitement of the Fit for a Princess Expo at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at the Walt Disney World Resort. Even though Friday was a typical morning where I had to wake up early and get Kevin and the kids to work and school, I practically bounded out of bed. I was so excited for the events that would unfold for me this weekend.
The welcome sign as you entered the Wide World of Sports Complex for the Fit for a Princess Expo!
         As I entered the complex....I felt the rush of knowing that within less than 24 hours of this time, I will have completed my first 5k. I can't speak from very much experience, but I was absolutely blown away by how organized everything was....from the disaster that parking had the potential to be, down to the packet pick was all in perfect working order, like a well-oiled machine. 
Inside the packet pick up area

              Everything inside was so beautiful and was created to pump that magical adrenaline into you through every pore. I found myself wanting to tear up from the excitement. They even had a carriage and footmen there where you could have your picture taken if you were willing to wait in the line. They managed to get me pretty good at the merchandise area where I found myself desperate to take home anything with a runDisney logo on it.....but then it was time to head out.
            This city has been brutal this weekend. Someone with a great deal of brillance scheduled the NBA All Star Game, the Daytona 500 and the Princess Half Marathon weekend all in the same weekend. When I left the expo, I experienced the joy of a 45 minute traffic backup on my way back to my husband's work to meet him for lunch! AYE YAY YAY!!
           I was ready to go home and get some rest by mid-day in preparation for the upcoming events, but much to my was also my kid's Science Fair at school, followed by my son's 7:30 PM basketball game (which of course, went into overtime...their first loss of the season). By the time I got home to get myself settled in for bed it was almost 10 pm and my pick-up was scheduled for 4:30 am.
         With insane levels of adrenaline and excitement flowing through my veins, I didn't sleep very well....and pretty much laid in bed watching tv from 2 am until I started getting ready at 3:40 am.
From Left: Me, Jessica, Natalie and Katelyn, waiting for the 5k to begin!

                      Once we arrived at EPCOT, the party began. It was a cool morning, but the music was pumping and everyone was dancing and excited. No one even noticed the cold within a matter of minutes. Rapunzel, Flynn Ryder and Maximus (a REAL horse), got us ready to take off when the race began and they shot off awesome fireworks (in true Disney Spirit) in lieu of the inaugural "gunshot". AND OFF WE WENT.....

                I can say without question that mile one was the most challenging for me. I knew that with my weight I could not take off like a shot and I had no intention of doing so, because I wanted to be able to finish the race on my feet (not on a stretcher). One of the hardest moments was when I realized I was getting passed by people pushing strollers....for a moment I wanted to cry and wondered where I was going to end in this pack of over 5000 runners.
             While one would typically think that the FINISH LINE is the greatest moment of euphoria,... for was the arrival of Mile Marker 1.
I arrived at Mile 1 at 23 minutes and change but after almost 2 min waiting for my chance at a picture by the marker, I opted out, took this shot and kept going.

                As I saw the marker about 100 yards in front of me, I did a fist pump and quietly uttered "YES!!" I knew I was almost 1/3 of the way done. My calves were beginning to cramp, but just as I had learned to do in training, I pushed through the pain and persevered. What seemed like a short distance from mile marker 1, we came to the first water stop....this was VERY exciting on two points. 1) It was WATER....and I was ready for it! 2) It meant that I had officially made it to 1.5 miles.....and things we going smoothly now.
          At this point we had entered the theme park (the first mile and 4/10 was actually in the parking and backlot areas). This made the remainder of the walk much more exciting. So many things to look passed by like no time at all. There were many character photo ops along the way and lots of runners stopped to get pics, but I pushed on and before I knew it,.......I was at Mile Marker 2!!!
Here I am at Mile Marker 2!! My school buddy Tiffany took this pic for me as she just happened to catch me as we reached this spot! I don't think I look ready to die or anything.....LOL!
                At mile marker 2, I was excited because I knew I had made it to the point that they were not going to cut the course on me. I was going to do this....and I was going to do every step of it. I was beginning to feel the energy draining from me shortly after this but I was determined. I could do this.....I knew I could and I wouldn't let anything stop me. I was walking most of it but would throw in the occasional short jog to try to keep up a better pace.
               As I came out of the World Showcase and rounded the turn onto the bridge to Future World....I saw Spaceship Earth (the big golfball...LOL) in front of me and I knew I was almost there. I would definitely persevere. We rounded back into a backstage area after we walked around the Leave a Legacy Monuments in the front of the park and that is where I saw one more beautiful sign......Mile Marker 3!
Once again, I photographed a stranger by the mile marker, so as to not lose anymore time.
             There it was.....just maybe 500 yards or so away....the FINISH LINE!! It was so close I could taste it. People were cheering and making everyone feel like a winner. I began to tear up as I saw it in front of me.
The Finish Line just ahead in the distance.....
                         I managed to hold the tears back for the most part and just raised my arms up in the air in absolute triumph. I had reached the finish line of a race I wasn't convinced that morning that I could complete....and I had done it in a time that I was very, very proud of......

Crossing the Finish Line at the Royal Family 5k!

                                       ONE HOUR ELEVEN MINUTES AND 51 SECONDS!!!

With my medal at the end of the race!
                  The best part of this day was finding belief in myself and knowing that if I want to persevere, I can. Weight is just an excuse. I can do anything through God who strengthens me! And I learned that not everyone in the world judges you for being a big girl and that many of them will give you all the love and support you could every imagine.
               I am proud of my accomplishment and feel that my time was phenominal for the condition that my body is in and if I gained nothing else.....I gained a wonderful time with my friend and a new respect for myself!
Jess and I before the Race!

My prize for my hard work and accomplishment!


  1. Wonderful post Susie!!! I teared up reading it as one of my future goals is to run the half marathon at Disney. I am so proud of you for pushing through and for being honest about your journey. It gives others, including me, great hope too. Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more about your journeys :)
