Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Fast and the Furiously Frightened!

     Well, the time has come. I can hardly believe it is already here. Tomorrow morning I will be in line at the Fit for a Princess Expo picking up my race packet and getting ready to hit the course Saturday morning.
     I am truly beyond excited and yet scared as a churchmouse. I have been training for this race for the past couple of weeks and I was successful in accomplishing nearly 2 miles in about 35 min just one week ago tomorrow. I wish I could say that I have had a great deal of opportunity to train this week, but I would be lying. Between homework assignments and exams this week in school and the simple fact that the weather hasn't been very cooperative, I have not gotten a single walk in this week.
         I have quickly come to find what a positive and encouraging community of women are involved in this group though. Just one simple post on Facebook on the RunDisney site regarding my nervousness/excitement toward this weekends race has gotten me loads of encouraging comments.
       Not to mention all of the people that I have come to find within the circle of people that I am acquainted with that are either participating and are so proud of me or those that are not participating themselves but have given me such wonderful encouragement that I will never forget it.  It is all of you! My friends, family, and even strangers who have convinced me to have faith in myself. It is all of you, whom I will be thinking about as I reaching mile marker after mile marker.

      I greatly look forward to sharing with you photos and stories of my experiences this weekend because without you, who knows if I would have had the faith to pull this off.

       All my love and appreciation,......
           The Running (ok....walking) princess.

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