Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh....What a Difference Music and Water Makes...

         Well, let me begin by saying that I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day, whether you have a significant other to make it special or you are single and just decided to partake of Tijuana Flats fantastic "Free Beer for Singles" offer. :)
       My Kevin was sweet enough, even with our modest budget due to my lack of employment, to purchase some beautiful pink roses and chocolate dipped strawberries for me, as well as making us a delicious dinner of Omaha steaks and butterfly shrimp. It was truly a lovely Valentine's Day for me.
       This morning I dressed for the day with the intent to walk myself into a frenzy. Sports bra -check! Yoga pants - check! Lightweight t-shirt - check! And Shape ups - check! I knew that my plan today was to go to the local mall and make use of the lovely air conditioned facilities.
        I swung into Target first....I wanted a bottle of water to take with me. Have you ever walked into Target and walked out with only what you intended to buy? That almost never happens for me. I went in and managed to talk myself out of purchasing an iPod when I discovered that they didn't sell an armband carrying case that would fit my phone, but didn't escape without an extra pair of yoga pants and some MiO to add to my water. I sure wish I liked water more all by itself but I don't. LOL
          I eventually ended up at Wal-mart where I discovered even more wonderful items to add to my workout wardrobe and......MY ARMBAND CASE FOR MY PHONE!! Yeah! I now had clothing, water, MiO and MUSIC!!! I was ready to go.
       I headed to the mall, parked the car, tied my hair back, loaded my water with MiO and set my playlist to the most hyped up music I had.....and I was off...
       I had the best walk I have had so far since I began training almost two weeks ago. Even wearing my shape ups, I felt pretty good all the way to the end! I managed to complete a walk that equalled about a mile and a half.....approximately half the distance of the 5k. The music and the water seemed to make all the difference. Even when I started to feel like I was dragging....the music almost seemed to push my body in forward movement.    
      I am beginning to feel more convinced with every passing day, that I will be able to successfully complete this 5k and that brings such a smile to my face. Being overweight almost my whole life has been hard, but I feel like this could be a real beginning to me finding a happy place for exercise. Lunch consisted of a small shrimp salad and unsweetened mango tea at Crispers with a long lost friend and I felt like a million bucks when I saw her.....all thanks to my walk.....and God of course. :) More to come.....

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