Monday, February 13, 2012

A Fun Day of Dilly"Dali"-ing

 I wish I could have the energy the my son Jordan and his friends have....
     After receiving Thursday's overjoying news, that for a change, we didn't have an oppressive homework assignment, I decided to join Jordan's class on their field trip to the Tampa Bay MOSI (or Museum of Science and Industry) and the Salvadore Dali Museum in St Petersburg.
              It was a wonderful day, but I am totally EXHAUSTED. Jordan's friends all wanted me as their chaparone for the trip so I ended up with 4 boys and a girl...all around 13 years old, that I was forced to chase all over the MOSI for two hours. They were well behaved, but they are so young. Up and down flights of stairs, running here there and everywhere. In the end, I guess it was great exercise for me.
              We got back with the class around 11 am and headed back to the school van for our "lunch on the run" as we drove to the Dali there is a place to see!! What a insanely mad genius, that Salvador Dali.  After that day's activities, I was whipped. I wished I could have bottled their energy and took sips whenever needed.
                Saturday, Jordan had another fantastic basketball game where his team won and then it was on to get the stuff for their science fair projects. I was so tired that I was dreading going to church Sunday morning....but was like God knew what I needed to hear.
               Our sermon this Sunday was all about "running a marathon" and pacing yourself. Amazing how God works!!! I felt a renewed sense of energy and was ready come today to dive back into training for the race.
         I went to the mall this morning (because it was only 35 freaking degrees here in Florida!!) and walked my buns off. I felt great because I was making great progress. THEN....I made a fatal mistake. I gave myself a reality check.  I set my trip odometer and measured out 3.1 miles.
       I was almost ill. I could not believe how far that really is!! These people that do 13.1 miles (half marathon) are out of their fool heads. LOL I find them totally amazing! As I drove from their.....ready to cry, I popped in my Kelly Clarkson disk and blarred "Stronger" as loud as I could and as I bounced in my seat listening to it....I decided that I could do anything.....after all.....WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER....STAND A LITTLE TALLER.....

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