Thursday, February 9, 2012

An Exam, A Dramatic Presentation and a Test of Will!!

  Today's question.....
      How in the world do you keep from getting leg cramps?? :)
   What a long day it has been! After a morning with the usual routine of taking the kids to school, the husband to work (we share a Toyota car family, uggh!) I headed off to a day of working my legal briefs off. Family Law was a breeze, as it generally is, but then it was off to Criminal Litigation where I was saddled with our first major exam of the semester. Sadly, I have felt a little out of my norm since spring semester started. Last term, I was totally on fire....and I am afraid that it might have literally burned me out.
             The Christmas break gave me a nice reprieve from the huge workload I was carrying from 5 classes. I was so pleased to still manage to have a President's list qualifying GPA. And yet, in some ways, I feel like that much needed break kind of messed with my flow.
              As I continue training daily for the Disney Royal Family 5k.....I find similar issues. You know....the idea that you need to keep pushing through the pain? In some ways, I feel that way about school as well. Like, since I was already on a roll last semester, it might have been easier to keep pushing through the challenges than to have a break and try to start up again at the same pace I was maintaining.
             Anyway, following the exam, which I believe that I did fantastically at, I headed off to Professional Responsibility. Now....if you are also a paralegal in training, you already know that the topic of legal ethics is one that has the same affect on a person as.....well......a great big, heavy dose of Ambien!!!! It is the driest, most mind-numbing topic ever. In his effervescent way, our professor decided he should try to spice up the exciting world of ABA Model Rules (Rules that regulate Lawyers and Paralegals) by having us perform role plays of Paralegal Rule Violations. Now....I'll give him certainly did make for a far more interesting class than usual.....BUT I HATE ROLE PLAY!! I am a paralegal in training, not a performing monkey in heels.
             Alas, I did my skit and I have to give myself kudos for my Oscar winning performance of a wife, scorned by her sick, adulterous husband! I was like "Meryl Streep" quality at least.....ok....maybe not, but it was still pretty damn good.
              I headed to legal research and writing and got the best news of the day. NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND!! I hardly know what to do with myself knowing that I have to spend exactly ZERO hours in the law library.
              I guess that brings me to my walk this evening and my "question of the day." I went for my one mile walk around the pond at my husband's office. Again, why do I always think that I can take off on my walk like I am Jackie Joyner Kersee? I wasn't running, of course, but again I didn't stretch and again I dove into a power walk. By the 2nd lap I was hurting in my dominant leg again. YET.....and here is the exciting part.....I persevered through the pain and I finished my mile today. I even ran for about 30 seconds a couple of times during the course! I am making small strides in the right direction every day. I watched what I ate today as well (not as in, I WATCHED it go into my mouth either. LOL) .
          I am excited for the prospects in front of me. I know that these classes and this 5k are not going to be easy goals to get through, but I am proud of myself for working hard everyday to reach the rewards before me. More to come.......
                                     Suzi Q



  1. Great Job. Every day will become easier and the cramping will stop. Just remember you can dive into the walk but what is the word??...STRETCH!
    Have a fun weekend!
    Love Ya
