Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Preparing for the Disney's Royal Family 5k.....

                              Have you ever stopped to look at yourself in the mirror and thought... "Dear long am I going to let this go on??" That was my thought this past weekend when I was down in Miami for Jordan's basketball tournament...Jordan is my 12 year old son. So many times I think I intentionally breeze past mirrors, because I figure that if I go fast enough I won't have to acknowledge exactly what I look like.
                             This weekend in the hotel.....I let myself pause long enough to really see my reflection. It made me realize that in 3 months I will be 34 years old and I have been overweight for more than 75% of my life. I have had the ups and downs of dieting, usually successful for about 2-3 months and 30-40 lbs before I lose the will to fight and go back to my old ways.
                           Kevin, my husband, who has always loved me for who I was and has always told me that I was beautiful no matter what, has often encouraged me to get healthy so I could live longer with him and the kids. And that should have been enough....but I know now, it has to be something that you do because it is what you want. Having been overweight for so much of my life, I think I have become comfortable with it....and it is so hard to lose it that I just go back to my comfort zone...but no more!
                            I am bound and determined to change my ways....and that is where the Disney's Royal Family 5k comes in. For those of you that know me, you know that there is no bigger Disney freak than I. After taking 5 year old daughter, to her friend Jaden's for a sleepover this weekend (what a crazy weekend, Miami and my baby's first sleepover???) I spoke with her mom who was telling me about the runDisney program. I knew about the Disney Marathon and Half-marathon and that they did a couple of other races throughout the year, but was unaware that all of these races have a "weekend" and that during those weekends they also have a 5k and kids races.
                          This set my mind to spinning. I know I need to get back in shape and what would be more motivating to a true life Disney Princess, than to be a participant in a Disney Princess 5k?? The next day as I sat in the law library (ahhh,...the life of a legal studies student!) I decided that I needed to do the 5k. I grabbed my laptop, begged one of my friends/classmates to do it with me, and proceeded to register without a second thought, knowing that there would be no turning back once it was the $50 registration fee is (gasp!!) NON-REFUNDABLE!
                         The excitement of knowing I was going to do this ran through me like lightning and once my ridiculously long assignment for Legal Research and Writing was completed, I headed home to start.....WALKING!! Understand that I am about 5'7" and just under 300 lbs. I carry my weight well and most people never guess that is how much I am carrying around, but I am. This is not going to be an easy feat for they want you to maintain a 16 minute mile throughout the course.
                        For those of your that are unaware.....a 5k is the equivalent of 3.1 miles.....not that long in the grand scheme of things, and yet, not a distance I am overly prepared to do. So, I got home, changed into activewear and threw on my brand-new Sketchers Shape Ups....and booked out the door. Mistake #1!!!! I didn't stretch at all! Mistake #2!!! I booked out the door like I have been doing this everyday for a year! Mistake #3!!! My friend Kelly tried to warn me....but I didn't heed her when I chose to head out with my new shape ups. Kelly and I have been best friends since College (Take 1) in the late 90's. I am the matron of honor in her wedding in Boston this June. Just another great reason to lose some weight.
                        Anyway, as I begin walking things are going great....approx. 4/10 of a mile in 5 minutes.....but then.......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The calf of my dominant leg begins cramping. I am forced to slow way down....almost to the point that I am limping. I look up at the sky and think....why didn't I listen to Kelly when she told me this would happen?? I pushed myself to go and made it back to my house by an alternate route which was about 8/10 of a mile total rather than the full mile I intended to do.
                         I became scared that I wouldn't be successful at the 5k....but remembered that perseverance is everything. If I can have a 4.0 in legal studies,....I can work the off I go to keep at it.....more to come......

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