Sunday, March 4, 2012

Friends Make All the Difference!

My friend Becky and me!
I feel the need to begin this blog by saying that I had an amazingly successful week. I worked out pretty consistently and was careful about what I was eating and drinking. However, I am not sure how successful it would have been without my friends. Kelly, whom I have mentioned before, is always there to make sure that I am accountable and to let me know that she is right there with me.....right down to identical HDL's. :)
        Then there is my friend Becky....we met through church a couple of years ago and have very similar lives,...two children, one husband and school. She also works full time (props to her), but she recently went back to watching her food intake and adding more exercise. She has a black card membership to Planet Fitness, a fitness club chain, and she kindly offered to let me come with her whenever she goes for free. Something which is huge for me at the moment since I am not working. And working out with a friend, whether it be in person or in spirit (like my Kelly) makes a huge difference.
      And then we have Andrea, who I became friends with through our children. Our sons are friends and she started teaching me how to cook more healthy meals and it has been awesome. Becky and I went to the farmers market after working out on Saturday morning and then Andrea taught me some easy ways to cook healthy meals even when time is limited  or cooking needs to be done on the run.
    Thanks to her....dinner tonight was cornish hen made with nothing but some spices thrown into the crock pot (no water or anything) and 8 hours later.....chicken literally falling off the bone it was so tender....on the side, I made a combination of zucchini and summer squash which I sauteed with just enough EVOO to keep it from sticking and some more seasonings. It was delicious and believe it or not.....ready for this folks.....less than 300 calories!!
   That is why I am so grateful to God for my friends who are there to support me all the way!! Thanks to them, I definitely believe this road will be easier than it would have been without them!

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