Friday, March 30, 2012

A Super Special Spark-filled Week.....

What an awesome week!!! Things almost couldn't have gone better. I feel so blessed right now. Thank you Lord, for all that you have given me! First and foremost, the picture says it all. I have officially lost my first 15 lbs with Sparkpeople and just hit my one month SparkVersary on March 26th. That a word, hugely successful.
Speaking of success......I also got back my two most challenging midterms this week. One for my Legal Research and Writing I class and the other for my Professional Responsibility class. I obtained a grade of 100.8% on my Legal Research and Writing exam, setting the curve while tied with one of my closest friends in the program, Stephanie. Then, I received a 98.8% on my Professional Responsibility exam. Stefy beat me on that one and set the curve, but I was still incredibly proud of my success.
As if all of that were not enough, while I missed them desperately, my kids were with Grandma and Grandpa for the week, so for the first time, I was able to take my hubby to the gym with me and have him see how hard I really work 6 days a week. He tried his best to compete with me and beat me at every opportunity, but in the end, most of his efforts were futile. :) I almost feel bad kicking his butt around the gym but I think he was truly proud of me.
More hard work ahead in the coming weeks and months, but I am grinning from ear to ear this week.

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