Monday, March 19, 2012

Go Gym GO!! And the OH NO!!

So....I have been religious about going to the gym and exercising since beginning with Sparkpeople almost a month ago. I have watched and tracked every item that I put into my mouth, drank water like I was preparing for a month tour of the Sahara and been eating healthy as can be. Having lost 10 pounds I had been feeling like a million bucks....and then came this weekend.
         It was my self-proclaimed "weigh-in" day and I hopped on the scale with a wink and smile....which was quickly turned upside down into a frown!! I had gained 3 lbs!!! How was this possible? I fought back the tears and disappointment as my husband asked, "well?" and I had to say....." I gained. How could that be? I have done everything right! I want to throw this scale through a plate glass window!!!"
       The tears started to well in my eyes and he held me tight. "Suzi.....I watch you everyday. I know that you are doing everything right. Just keep doing what you are doing and it is going to come." Then it hit me!! When one hits the gym religiously,....especially hitting the weight machines.....what happens? Muscle builds! That is the only answer.
I put my shoes on and headed to the gym, determined not to let the disappointment frustrate me into quitting and did my two hour daily workout. I came home and felt great and felt like I had moved past it.
      Then, my girl Kelly came online and I found myself telling her how disappointed that I was. She said, Suzi....are you lifting at the gym? I said, yep....everyday! She'll gain muscle for a little while and then one day BOOM! It will come off like gangbusters. So with that confirmation from a dear friend...I did not allow myself to become more frustrated. On that note, goodnight my darling readers and off to the gym I go!!! Goodbye butt and gut!

Hello HOT paralegal!

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